The Impact Of Tooth Loss

Bone Loss Continues As Long as Teeth Aren't Replaced

After an extraction, the bone will quickly remodel or “melt away”.

A concavity or “dip” in the bone (both vertically and horizontally) occurs.

Maintaining the bone is pivotal to support the lips and cheeks to prevent signs of premature aging.

Dental implants help stabilize the bone and prevent bone loss through their functional use.

Dental implants provide a strong foundation is made which can support various tooth / teeth replacement options.


Natural Teeth Must Be Replaced

If the periodontal inflammation continues, you can start to lose your teeth one at a time. These lost teeth will have to be replaced with dental work, such as:

  • Bridges
  • Dental implants
  • Partial dentures
  • Full dentures


If tooth loss continues, it can cause you to need dentures. Many patients do not understand the full consequences of wearing dentures. There can be many problems with dentures including:

  1. Inability to eat certain foods
  2. Inability to feel and taste foods
  3. Lisping or clacking when speaking
  4. Bad breath or smell
  5. Pain or discomfort
  6. Unnatural looking teeth
  7. Self-consciousness and embarrassment while eating
  8. Having to take your dentures out at night for soaking
  9. Your spouse seeing you without teeth at night

The Good News

See us, the experts in dental implants.  We work with the best dentists to recreate areas of tooth loss.  We will identify any problems and provide advise you on what to do next.